The Jersey Shore makes the guido/guidette lifestyle look popular and appealing to audiences because it is unique and no one else has it.The definition of a guido according to The Situation is “a good looking Italian guy” (Brooks 1) and the definition of a guidette is exactly the opposite: “A female guido; characteristic for having an absurdely long Italian name, breast implants, and tight clothing. Prominent in New Jersey.” ("guidette" 2). The entire cast of the Jersey Shore is not this definition but instead lives this type of lifestyle. The popularity the characters have gained from the show makes others want to be exactly like them. For example, Zach Vujic from Stoney Creek, Ontario just cut his hair like Pauly D and says, “I’ve noticed now when I go places with the haircut, people just stop and look at me. No one else has it.” (Houston Chronicle). Lauren Lewis also quotes that “I want to be like Snooki or JWOWW. Outgoing” and she could not pull off the “infamous draping yellow shirt [JWOWW] wore in episode one…” (Houston Chronicle). This shows the influence and impact that these characters have on other people’s lives. It also quotes how unique this look is throughout the world. Not many people were wearing this “guido look” until the Jersey Shore came out. They started a revelation and Pauly D would say, “They’re fist-pumping. They’re doing their hair like us now, dressing like us”. (Houston Chronicle). The key word in this sentence is now because it indicates that it was not happening before but these circumstances have now changed.
The guido lifestyle is highlighted in South Beach, Miami because the environment of the city attracts the characters. South Beach “[has] become glitzy and commercialized.” (Stofik 246). “…local architects designed scores of Streamline-style hotels with magical names: the Carlyle, the New Yorker, and the St. Moritz.” (Stofik xii). This flashy lifestyle resembles the guido lifestyle. For example, tanning is a big part on both genders. Since South Beach is along the coast, they can get plenty of sun. It would only makes sense that the lifestyle they now live would be fulfilled in a place like this. “Clubbing” is a huge part of Jersey Shore and along Collins Ave and Ocean Drive, there are plenty of nightlife activities. Also, Miami is well known for being a place filled with people who have had cosmetic surgery done. This matches the definition of a guidette explained in the previous paragraph. This guido lifestyle may seem fancy but it is very upsetting to other Italian Americans.
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